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Home » Top 5 Best Wrist Brace For Tendonitis

Top 5 Best Wrist Brace For Tendonitis

In this guide, we’ll talk about tendonitis, which happens when the tendons in your wrist get swollen. It can happen from doing the same movements over and over, using your wrist too much, or getting hurt. We’ll also look at why tendonitis happens, so you can know more about it.

We’ll also check out five wrist braces made to help with tendonitis. These braces have different cool stuff, like comfy shapes and adjustable tightness, to make your wrist feel better. They’re made to give you the support you need to feel good again.


1. DonJoy Wrist Wraps Support Brace

best donjoy wrist brace for injuries

Get targeted motion control in different directions with the DonJoy Wrist Wraps Support Brace. It’s designed to limit specific movements like bending, stretching, or moving your wrist side to side. Perfect for situations where you need to keep your motion in check.

This versatile brace works well for many things, from sports to jobs that involve lots of hand and wrist movements. It’s adaptable and can be useful in different situations.

The brace comes with interchangeable foam inserts. This lets you adjust the support level to fit your needs. The straps on the brace stop it from rotating, making it better at keeping your wrist stable.

For your comfort, the DonJoy Wrist Wraps Support Brace has a soft neoprene inner lining. It feels nice against your skin. The outer shell is made of durable woven nylon, so it can handle prolonged use.

2. Med Spec Ryno Lacer Wrist Support

med spec wrist support for tendonitis injury

Meet the Med Spec Ryno Lacer Wrist Support – easy to use with a simple lace closure. It comes with stays on the sides and back of your wrist, keeping it stable and restricting movement in your thumb.

The Ryno Lacer is made with a polypropylene liner and breathable suede. It helps sweat evaporate, keeping your skin comfy and cool. The design is sleek and not bulky, making it comfortable to wear and likely to be worn regularly.

This wrist support is proudly made in the USA, meeting high-quality standards for better control. Experience top-notch wrist support with the Med Spec Ryno Lacer – it combines practicality, comfort, and quality craftsmanship.

3. Copper Compression Wrist Brace

black wrist brace for tendonitis recovery

Heal with Copper Compression’s Wrist Brace, made to give crucial support to strained muscles, tendons, and joints in your wrist and hand. It brings relief when resting, helping affected areas move better. It’s good for conditions like sprained wrists, arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and more, for day and night use.

Designed for either hand, each brace is shaped precisely for the right or left. With two sizes, S/M and L/XL, finding the right fit is easy. No fuss with straps or splints – these braces are ready to wear, giving instant relief.

Adjust the support with the hook-and-eye straps. Put the top strap on your hand or wrist, and the bottom one a bit lower on your forearm for the best effect. This brace is more flexible than a cast and works well for conditions like tendonitis.

Made with copper-infused nylon, this brace stays hygienic after many washes. The copper doesn’t wash out, keeping it effective for a long time. The material lets moisture escape, keeping you dry during all your activities. It’s tough against washing, staying reliable for extended use.

4. WristWidget® Black Adjustable Wrist Brace

wrist brace for daily use

WristWidget® Black Adjustable Wrist Brace – a versatile solution for both wrists, fitting a broad range from 14cm to 22cm. It’s perfect for sports and can be worn in water without limiting movement. Whether you’re active daily or into intense activities, this brace offers reliable support 24/7.

Crafted to support both the Radius and Ulna, the WristWidget® aids in healing the TFCC (Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex) without surgery. Get relief from ulnar-sided wrist pain linked to rotating, gripping, and weight-bearing activities.

Made proudly in Hawaii, USA, at a solar-powered, zero-waste facility, this wrist brace shows a commitment to sustainability. With a lifetime guarantee, it’s latex and rubber-free, DEHP-free, MRI safe, and reusable.

5. ComfyBrace Night Wrist Sleep Support Brace

wrist brace for sleep recovery

The adjustable ComfyBrace fits both men and women, seamlessly on either hand. No more dealing with loose yet stifling braces. The 2023 model’s cutting-edge design offers extreme support, maximum comfort, durability, and versatility. Its slip-on sleeve design ensures quick and frustration-free wrist securing.

Combat wrist pain immediately with the splint support and gentle compression from our expertly crafted brace. It features a removable palmar splint, well-placed straps, and a plush beaded cushion for conditions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Arthritis, Tendonitis, and post-cast discomfort. The super-breathable materials allow comfortable day and night wear.

Indulge in plush, therapeutic bead cushion support that molds to your hand’s shape, providing ultimate soothing comfort. Secure the brace with expertly designed straps for therapeutic relief and breathability. Yes, you can wear this super-breathable brace for extended periods without it getting sweaty. It’s hand washable for easy maintenance.


important specifications when choosing wrist braces
  1. Type of Tendonitis

Identify the specific wrist tendonitis type you have. Different braces offer varied support based on the affected tendons.

2. Fit and Size

Choose a brace with a snug and comfortable fit. Sizes may differ between brands, so check the manufacturer’s sizing guide for effective support without added discomfort.

3. Adjustability

Opt for a brace with adjustable straps or closures. This feature allows you to customize compression and support based on your comfort and the severity of your tendonitis.

4. Material and Breathability

Select a brace made from breathable, moisture-wicking materials to prevent excessive sweating and discomfort during extended wear.

5. Supportive Structure

Consider the brace’s design and structure. Some have metal or plastic splints for extra support, while others are more flexible. The level of support depends on the severity of your tendonitis.


wrist tendonitis injury

Wrist tendonitis, also known as tenosynovitis, is a common condition that occurs when the tendons surrounding the wrist become inflamed. Tendons are thick, fibrous cords that connect muscles to bones, facilitating joint movement. When these tendons become irritated or inflamed, it can lead to pain, swelling, and limited mobility in the affected wrist.


Diagnosing wrist tendonitis is a thorough process. Healthcare providers collect information about symptoms like pain, swelling, and limitations in wrist movement by taking a detailed medical history. A physical examination checks for tenderness, warmth, and range of motion. Specific tests may be done to recreate symptoms. Imaging studies like X-rays, ultrasound, and MRI help visualize affected tendons and rule out other issues.

Blood tests may be done to rule out systemic conditions. It’s crucial to differentiate wrist tendonitis from conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome or arthritis. Referral to specialists may be needed based on findings. Getting prompt medical attention ensures an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment to prevent the condition from getting worse.


Wrist tendonitis often develops due to repetitive motions or overuse of the wrist. Activities such as typing, playing sports that involve repetitive wrist movements, or using tools that require forceful gripping can contribute to the development of tendonitis. Additionally, sudden injuries or trauma to the wrist can also be a factor.

Repetitive Movements

  • Occupational Overuse: Activities that involve repetitive wrist movements, such as typing, using a computer mouse, or assembly line work, can lead to overuse and strain on the wrist tendons.
  • Sports Activities: Sports that require repetitive wrist motions, such as tennis, golf, or weightlifting, can contribute to tendonitis.

Poor Ergonomics

  • Improper Workspace Setup: Incorrect positioning of computer equipment or workstations can lead to awkward wrist postures, increasing the risk of tendonitis.
  • Poor Technique: Incorrect techniques in sports or weightlifting can place excessive stress on the wrist tendons.

Direct Trauma

  • Injury: A direct blow or impact to the wrist can cause inflammation of the tendons.
  • Friction or Pressure: Prolonged or repetitive pressure on the wrist, such as resting the wrist on a hard surface for extended periods, can contribute to irritation.

Medical Conditions

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: An autoimmune condition that can cause inflammation of the synovium, the lining of the joint, including the wrist.
  • Diabetes: People with diabetes may be at a higher risk of developing tendinopathy, including wrist tendonitis.

Inflammatory Conditions

  • Infections: Infections in the wrist can cause inflammation of the tendons.
  • Other Systemic Conditions: Conditions like lupus or psoriatic arthritis may contribute to tendonitis.


Wrist tendonitis can present with a variety of symptoms, and the severity and specific manifestations can vary. Common symptoms of wrist tendonitis include:

  1. Pain: Persistent pain in the wrist, which may be dull or sharp, is a primary symptom of tendonitis.
  2. Swelling: Inflammation of the tendons can lead to noticeable swelling around the wrist joint.
  3. Stiffness: Limited range of motion and stiffness in the affected wrist are common complaints.
  4. Tenderness: The wrist may be tender to the touch, particularly over the inflamed tendon.

Types of Tendonitis

  1. De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis:
    • Involves inflammation of the tendons on the thumb side of the wrist, causing pain and swelling. It is often associated with repetitive thumb and wrist movements.
  2. Intersection Syndrome:
    • Inflammation at the intersection of two groups of forearm muscles, leading to pain and swelling on the top of the forearm near the wrist.
  3. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Tendinitis:
    • Inflammation of the tendon on the pinky side of the wrist, usually caused by repetitive wrist extension and ulnar deviation.
  4. Flexor Carpi Radialis Tendinitis:
    • Inflammation of the tendon on the thumb side of the wrist, often associated with repetitive gripping or activities involving wrist flexion.
  5. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Tendinitis:
    • Inflammation of the tendon on the pinky side of the wrist, typically caused by repetitive activities that involve wrist flexion and ulnar deviation.
  6. Intersection Syndrome:
    • Involves inflammation where two groups of forearm muscles intersect, leading to pain and swelling on the top of the forearm near the wrist.
  7. Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow):
    • While primarily affecting the elbow, lateral epicondylitis can involve inflammation of the extensor tendons that connect to the wrist, causing wrist pain.
  8. Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow):
    • Similar to lateral epicondylitis, medial epicondylitis primarily affects the elbow but can involve inflammation of wrist flexor tendons.
  9. Intersection Syndrome:
    • Involves inflammation where two groups of forearm muscles intersect, leading to pain and swelling on the top of the forearm near the wrist.


bracing treatment for wrist tendonitis

The treatment for wrist tendonitis typically involves a combination of self-care measures, lifestyle modifications, and medical interventions. It’s important to note that the specific treatment plan may vary based on the severity of the condition, the underlying causes, and individual factors. Here are common approaches to treating wrist tendonitis:

  1. Rest:
    • Avoid or limit activities that exacerbate symptoms and contribute to wrist strain.
    • Provide the affected wrist with adequate rest to allow the tendons to heal.
  2. Ice:
    • Apply ice packs to the affected area for 15-20 minutes at a time, several times a day, to help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.
    • Ensure a cloth or towel is used to protect the skin during ice application.
  3. Compression:
    • Using a compression bandage or wrist support can help reduce swelling and provide support to the affected area.
  4. Elevation:
    • Elevating the wrist above heart level when resting can help minimize swelling.
  5. Physical Therapy:
    • A physical therapist can provide exercises to improve wrist strength and flexibility.
    • Techniques such as ultrasound or ice massage may be used to aid in healing.
  6. Ergonomic Adjustments:
    • Modify workspace ergonomics to reduce strain on the wrists, especially if the tendonitis is related to occupational activities.
  7. Bracing or Splinting:
    • Wearing a brace or splint can help limit movement, providing support and rest to the affected wrist.
  8. Surgical Intervention:
    • In severe cases where conservative measures are not effective, surgical options such as tendon release or debridement may be considered.

Bracing Treatment

Bracing is a common treatment for wrist tendonitis, offering external support to promote healing and lessen strain on inflamed tendons. Wrist braces or splints are made to immobilize the wrist, limiting its movement and preventing actions that can worsen symptoms. By stabilizing the wrist joint, these devices help ease pain, reduce inflammation, and support natural healing. Wrist braces are worn during activities or throughout the day, depending on the condition’s severity.

Apart from providing support, braces act as reminders to avoid movements that may worsen the condition. This treatment seeks to balance necessary rest with maintaining functionality, enabling individuals with wrist tendonitis to engage in daily activities with less discomfort while promoting recovery.


How does wearing a wrist brace help with tendonitis?

A wrist brace provides support and immobilization to the affected wrist, reducing strain on inflamed tendons. This helps alleviate pain, promotes healing, and prevents further aggravation during daily activities.

How long should I wear a wrist brace for tendonitis each day?

The duration of wrist brace usage depends on the severity of the tendonitis and the advice of your healthcare provider. Generally, braces are worn during activities that might strain the wrist and during rest periods to aid the healing process. Your healthcare provider will guide you on the appropriate duration and usage based on your specific condition and needs.

Can I wear a wrist brace at night for tendonitis?

Yes, wearing a wrist brace at night can be beneficial, particularly if you’re dealing with nighttime pain or discomfort. Using a brace during the night helps keep your wrist in a neutral position, preventing uncomfortable postures that could worsen symptoms while you sleep. This can contribute to a more restful and comfortable night’s sleep.

Are there specific exercises or stretches recommended while wearing a wrist brace for tendonitis?

Seek advice from a healthcare professional or a physical therapist for personalized exercises and stretches. They can offer specific guidance on maintaining wrist flexibility and strength without jeopardizing the healing process or worsening tendonitis. Individualized recommendations will help ensure that your exercises are safe and beneficial for your unique situation.

Can I wear a wrist brace for tendonitis while performing daily activities like typing or lifting objects?

Absolutely, wearing wrist braces during different activities is common. However, it’s crucial to adhere to your healthcare provider’s advice. If recommended, take breaks to perform prescribed exercises and, when appropriate, remove the brace. Your healthcare professional might also suggest ergonomic changes to daily activities to minimize strain on the wrist. It’s important to follow their guidance for an effective and safe recovery.